Top Ten Messier Objects

Top Ten Messier Objects

for the month October 1997

Look at our most popular Messier object pages ! Here you find the top 10

accessed Messier Object pages; counted are accesses to the main page for

each object.

Starting from June 1996, this Top 10 file is generated by a perl script,

and therefore has become a bit more acurate. However, as there are probably

some accesses missed or counted twice, so that I do not claim this is a

really acurate ranking.

From January 1997, the acuracy of the listings profits from SEDS’ success

in generating a longer-term logfile, so that generally a higher and more

consistent coverage of accesses is achieved.

In October 1997, access activities stay at a stable level of slightly over

25,000 accesses daily. Again, some days were lost. This month, first-rank

M31 counted 2754 logged accesses, 5 objects were hit more than 1000 times,

10th rank M87 counted 679, and the least accessed object page, that of

M70, counted 138 logged accesses.

Top ten objects in October 1997:

10 M87
9 M8
8 M33
7 M27
6 M51
5 M57
4 M45
3 M42
2 M1
1 M31

Most recent Top 10 Messier objects

with links to the Top 10 charts for all previous months

Hartmut Frommert

([email protected])

Christine Kronberg

([email protected])






Last Modification: 8 Feb 1998, 21:50 MET

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