Messier 42

Messier 42


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AAT image of M42 and M43.

Due to advanced contrast enhancing image processing (unsharp masking) by

David Malin, the Great Orion nebula shows up in great contrast and

detail in this image, a three-color composit obtained from photographic

plates taken with the 3.9-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope.

The Great Oriaon Nebula M42 is shown here together with the separated part

M43, which is sometimes called

de Mairan’s Nebula.

Technical details: Blue: 1 minute on Kodak IIa-O emulsion using GG 385 filter,

Green: 1 min IIa-D/GG 495, Red: 1.2 min on 098-04/RG 630.

Our image of M43 is a magnification created by

David Malin from parts of the same image.

This images is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose

only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on

CD-ROM, please contact

Coral Cooksley of the

Anglo Australian Observatory.

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