More of M42, M43 and NGC 1973-5-7

The Orion Nebula Region: M42, M43 and NGC 1973-5-7

Amateur images of the Great Orion Nebula M42 (NGC 1976), de Mairan’s Nebula M43

(NGC 1982) and the neighboring less bright nebulae NGC 1973, 1975, and 1977;

all part of a larger cloud of interstellar matter

about 1500–1600 light years away and several hundred light years across.

For identifying the individual nebulae,

look at this map, or at

Bill Arnett’s map.


Orion Nebula M42/M43 with NGC 1973-5-7 by Michael Weiland of the

Interessengemeinschaft Astronomie an der Universität Konstanz

(Astronomy Interest Group at the University of Constance)


Orion Nebula M42/M43, together with NGC 1973-5-7, as photographed by

Johann Lander of the

Interessengemeinschaft Astronomie (Astronomy Interest Group)

at the University of Constance

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